Review of my 6th year on forex


What can I say about 2016, my 6th year on forex!? Am I a millionaire, did I finaly succeeded? Have a reach the top of this stairs? Well, almost, but still not as I wanted. Here is the review and why I am still searching for success after 6 years by trading on forex.

Success mostly comes over night in this business, right!? Yes it is, but after so many years of hard work, huge investment and full dedication to your business. Well, I work hard and invest for years, I am fully dedicated to my trading each day in the past 14 years, but I have realized that I still didn’t reach that success. I am not in between the constant winners and the best traders in the world, the millionaires. Sure, I have huge experience with amaizing understanding of the market, faboulus analysis with amazingly accurate predictions, but despite everything I felt several months ago that something is missing to be complete. Only 1 puzzle in between so many of them, but it’s enough to be incomplete.


As I want to reach the highest level in this business no matter the cost and to run up my hedge fund, I decided to deal with this problem and to find that missing puzzle. At first, I must admited to my self that I am not good enough and that I have some problems in my strategy, despite my experience and amaizing perfomances from time to time. Yes, I know how to take a single and daily $30k or $50k trade and I know how to make a 200% in 15 days, but that’s not what it takes to be the best. To be the one I must find a way to keep the most of that money in my pocket, not to return the same in the market, by losing too much searching for another opportunity. As I have realized that the missing part of my trading is definately the psichology, I decided to work exclusively on that issue lately. Yes, after 6 years and 30,000 lots, with billions of turnover in the forex market. This is ony 1 puzzle what is missing, but it is on high importance and it’s imposible to be a hedge fund manager or one of the best traders without it. To manage and to make millions, I know I must be a 100% ready, with no limitations.

Denying was probably the biggest problem for me, my ego. I quess that that’s why I wanted to trade my impossible missions here. Not to prove you something, but to prove myself how I can do an amaizing things in the market, with public readers as my pressure. I was wrong. It was obvious that I am pushing the wall which can’t be broken, but overtaken. To be overtaken, I must find an easier way, but slamming my head on to it. That way is the new psihological aproach and different understanding of the possibility and probability. That’s why I took some psihological trainings and educations for the past several months. Probably one of the best books which helped me with this issue is ‘Trading in the zone’ by Mark Douglas, which was recomended to me from one of the fx brokers. He told me, you will be one of the best traders if you read this book, not becasue the book will teach you how to make money, you know that, but how to solve you’re problem and how to keep that money in you’re account. He follows my trading and he knew what was the missing part, he knew what I am searching for. I mean, there is nothing in this book what I didn’t know and what I didn’t experienced personaly in the market, but for sure it gives me a different view on the market from my perspective. Something changes in me for real, the missing part is there.

Everything else what I’ve learned in this 6 years will remain the same. I proved for so many times how can I find an amazing entry with low risk, how can I analyse the move latter on and how to be patient enough to reach my target, making a huge money. Now in 2017 I must prove to myself that I can keep the same in my pocket in total and to be a consistant winner.

For the end of my review, I must write that while I was searching for this missing part in the last couple of months, I experienced several unpleasant weeks or even months of my trading. I was totally disrupted as I was confused with everything. I mean, I tought I was the best, but my result wasn’t confirmed that theory. When I finaly admit to myself that I must change something, I was in a total mess. What? After 6 years and millions of turnover I must change something? Woow!? I think that it takes only one month to accept that. But, when I sow that I need it badly if I want to reach that success at the end, there was no other way. As those Chinese wall steps shows, the road to success here is tough and it takes time to solve all the problems on the way. No matter the all expertise you have.


Will I finaly succeed in 2017 as I want? I will, because I will be finally ready, a 100%!

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017 to all my readers and traders! Review you’re trading and admit and accept you’re mistakes on time! Change something and become successful in this tough world of speculations. You can do it!



  • Happy new year.. good story and good experiance


  • Vao,koji clanak previse za komentirati osvrnut cu se na kraj : pa mislim da se ne moras brinuti hoce li to biti u 2017 g. ili nekoj drugoj ti si sad na vrhu samo je problem da se zaradeni profit cesto vraca na trziste te nastupa nezadovolstvo i kao dali sve ovo ima smisla?S druge strane ubodes par trejdova i uzletis u visine,mislim da najvecu rijec igra psiha -mozak- koji je ili nije zadovoljan profitom i ako to mozes kontrolirati ti si uspjesan!Kod mene je to ja ga kontroliram ali nemam toliko znanja oko analiza kao i ti pa volim ulaziti na vecu volatilnost ili moram puno citati,vebinari,analize a to me iscrpi jer za pracenje cjene moram biti jako odmoran i prepotstavit gdje bi cjena mogla oticu i tada nema minusa pitanje je samo koliko plusa zelim!To iskustvo sam stekao od 1990 na dalje kad sam aktivno 6,7 god.gazio poker aparate ,radio sam u casinu i serviser mi je objasnio nacin rada apar.koji i nije bitan za kasnije bitno je sto imas u glavi i hoce li te tolike svakodnevne kolicine isplata novaca uzeti ili ces ostati pri sebi!Od nas 5 samo ja nisam vratio sve natrag drugi su nastavili isto na novim programima a ih preprogramirali i oni su sa plusa od 500 000 DM usli u minus!Tako je i ovdje kad sam presao na live racun mislio sam da mi je 50 EURA dnevno,ludnica ubrzo sam podigao granicu i sad trejdam za od 100 -500 E dnevno,kad neki dan izgubim odmah 100-200 E ,taj dan je zavrsen nema vise i toga se drzim i lagano napredujem! I moj cilj je velik kao i tvoj ali ja sam sebi dao vremenski period za to od 5-10 god.I ja sam mogao startati s vecim depozitom,ali cilj mi je sa par tisuca doci do jackpot-a!Na demo sam u 6 mjeseci s 5000 stigao u 33000,znaci nije nemoguce jer vec s 33000 sljedeca meta je 100 000 itd.Oprosti ako sam pretjerao,idem lagano se pripremati za Novu g. a tebi isvim tvojim korisnicima tvoje stranice : ZELIM SRETNU NOVU GODINU , puno srece ,zadovoljstva,zdravja te ostvarenje svih poslovnih zadataka (1 000 000 pipova) S R E T N O V E C E R A S

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nisi pretjerao sox, znaš da volim komentare, a tvoji su definitvno uvijek korisni.
      Istina, psiha ovdje igra definitvno najveću ulogu, ali je najteža za savladati i zbog toga treba puno vremena na tržištu. Sve treba proći osobno i sa ciframa kojim težiš. Jer, nije isto imati cilj zarađivati 100 eura i 20,000 eura dnevno. Npr. Meni trejd od 500 eura nije značio ništa jer ih mogu odraditi dnevno koliko hoću, ali sam zato i upao u neku psihološku rupu ove godine. Ja bi trejdove od 20 ili 30 tisuća imao otvorene i gledao ih cool bez nervoze, sa targetima od 50 ili čak 100 tisuća. Problem je bio što bi ja takve trejdove zauzeo sa isto toliko kapitala, što znači da bi moji single trejdovi donosili nekad od 50 do 100% dobiti na kapital. No, isti bi predstavljali problem pri ulasku jer bi donosili previše gubitka dok bi se namjestio. Rezao bi na 10 do 15 pipsova i tako 2 do 3 puta, pa mi odnese 30tak % i više i onda lako krene nervoza, posebno ako trejd iz kojeg izađem bude dobar, a bude u 7 ili 8 od 10 puta.
      Tada nastupi taj tzv. psihological gap ili žal za propuštenim i onda krenu problemi.
      Uglavnom, sve je to povezano sa mojim javnim dokazivanjem i promocijom tipa x10 ili x100, što je definitivno bila pogreška. Zašto sam to pokušavao? Nemam pojma. No, skontao sam da sam napravio sebi ogroman problem trgujući pod takvim pritiskom. Ja mogu tako trejdati i bez dokazivanja, ako već moram.
      Bilo je tu još svega tijekom 2016 i vidio sam da moram posložiti psihu kako treba ako želim uspjeti huge, a vidio sam da sam jako blizu i da mi fali samo jedan mali dio svega.
      Eto, nadam se da sam uspio i sada ću probati malo drugačije.

      Svako dobro sox, hvala i sretno! 😉


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