Brexit referendum LIVE results!


Follow the LIVE results and vote counting on Bloomberg, cause this will be a long night. It’s a chaos in the markets in this moment, caused by the first results after wich the GBP/USD fell for 700 pips in a matter of minutes. These results are not relevant for now, but the difference is not small in favor of the LEAVE the EU votes, the fear is huge as you can see. London will be important and this difference could be easy covered latter during the night. Don’t trade the Pound!

Well, it’s 02:00 AM here, I am going to sleep and will have a nice dream about my 600+ pips Brexit trade, which I closed on Monday. 😉

Update 11:00 h AM (London time): This was a long night indeed and I didn’t sleep as well, to be honest I just woke up. Despite that I wasn’t in the position I was really enjoyed in those sharp moves in the market, especialy with the British Pound. What to say after all? I wrote in my last ‘warning’ article that in the case of Brexit it will be the Armagedon in the market. Well, it was and I hope that you didn’t lose much. We will see what next, it will take a week to setlle this mess up, or even more. It’s best for me to go to the beach, it’s the real summer finaly here. Take care!


  • This was crazy night and well said in the last article Mario, the Armagedon in case of the Brexit.


  • Neocekivano sto se mene tice,vise A.M.nije u E.U.prije bi vjerovao da ce FED pustiti kamate u sedmom mjesecu nego ovo.Usljed ove ludnice postavio sam sinoc buy-limit nalog na par USD-JPY na 100.004 evo otvoren je pa cemo vidjeti kad cu ga zatvoriti. L.P.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Da, neočekivano što se mnogih tiče, a to se najbolje vidi po reakciji tržišta. Jučer ujutro sam pročitao da je ostanak Britanaca u EU bio uključen u cijenu marketa skoro 80%, a tako sam i ja vidio situaciju. Normalno da je slom tržišta bio sa tim očekivanjem još jači, a trgovanje je bila ludost. Nitko osim velikih nije mogao pratiti kretanje i odlučiti gdje ući i izaći, a pogotovo ne na funti, gdje su pokreti gore/dole po 500 ili 800 pipsova bili toliko oštri, da si se mogao na njih porezati. USD/JPY na 100 long i nije toliko loš odabir jer je tu BOJ čekao. Sve u svemu, kolaps i bilo je lijepo pratiti.


  • Mario, ovu noc provest u snu je veliki NO za svakog okorjelog forexsasa 😉

    U usima radio BBC5 Referendum declaration coverage, a ocima na
    quote i chart platformama.

    Danasnji webinar na FXlive pojacao mi je Remain vote za budnost, uz iskustva skotskog referenduma uspio sam dosad natuc +1300 pip prethodnog dana i ove noci.

    Hvala ti za tvoje forumske i blogovske precizne analiticke postove.

    Liked by 1 person

    • 🙂 Nisam se baš naspavao, pratio sam i ja cijelo vrijeme naravno, iako nisam trgovao. Nije to imalo nikakvog smisla, a kladim se da nijedan mali nije dobro prošao na kraju, čast izuzecima ako jesu.
      Nema na čemu. 😉


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